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Lets Stop Bullying Nationally.
Working with Cheshire Police to stop bullying. Click on picture above. Incredible work once again! Jane Tetlow is an absolute...

POD goes Live across Cheshire Schools
The Pod Trail will explode into Cheshire Schools next week and we couldn't be more excited. We have a whole one hour to pilot our POD...

Pod is in Print!
Children’s entertainer, turned author talks to Emily Fitzgibbons about her new book, Mingling with Mayors, The Pod Trail, and becoming...

Authors Anti-Bullying Message in Wigan
Primary school pupils enjoyed a literary event with a message as a children’s author visited to do an anti-bullying assembly. Writer...

The Mayor Visits
Lucia Davies shared her anti-bullying story, Pod, during an assembly at BGS which was attended by the pupils from the Infants, Junior...

Moorfields Primary School gets on-board anti-bullying
We want all children at Moorfield to enjoy school, so we take pride in the high standards of good behaviour that our children show in and...

POD is at Bolton School
POD has been to visit the boys from Bolton School. Great trip.

POD visits St Josephs Catholic School
We held a fabulous ‘anti- bullying’ assembly this morning which was delivered by our Lucia. After a quick introduction from Lucia we...

Lucia helps spread anti-bullying message to primary school pupils
Lucia is out and about again. Spreading the word across Broad Oak Primary School. Click on the image above to see the Newspaper Coverage....
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